salamanderU and Solidfog Technologies collaborated on a solution that decontaminates up to 350 FFP2 masks in a cycle of 6 hours. The solution consists of an isolation room (CleanBubble), a decontamination system (DosyMist) and SmartReg, a digital voice guiding the operators.
We’re proud to say that Canal Z, La Libre, L’Echo, Le Soir, Trends-Tendances, DH and Innovatech have each published an article about our solution.
You can read the articles here:
Canal Z (including a video interview with salamanderU’s Tony Donolato and Solidfog’s Gatien Gillard): La “Bubble” wallonne pour désinfecter les masques and Kanaal Z (including a video interview with salamanderU’s Denis Decubber and Solidfog’s Gatien Gillard): Waalse bedrijven ontwikkelen installatie voor ontsmetting mondmaskers
L’Echo: Décontaminer les masques à grande échelle
Le Soir: Une solution wallonne pour stériliser les masques à grande échelle
Trends-Tendances: Une solution wallonne pour stériliser les masques à grande échelle
Innovatech: Un cycle de décontamination en 6h de 350 masques
We’ve also been mentioned by BioWin in their overview of the latest news of their members: Solution salamanderU et Solidfog Technologies pour la décontamination de masques FFP2.
Atlanpole Biotherapies has also published a news article about us: #Coronavirus | salamanderU : une solution clé en main pour décontaminer les masques
If you’d like to know more about our solution for the decontamination of FFP2 masks, click here or contact us:
salamanderU: Claude Dedry (CEO), +32 476 23 93 13,
Solidfog Technologies: Yves Marée (Managing Director), +32 83 65 56 08,